Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Chryslers in the Canyon V Car Show Videos

Here is a little something to be thankful for...

HD Video Highlights from Chryslers in the Canyon V!!  Hopefully you are settled in to host friends and family this holiday season and can share your CIC V experiences with them.

If you've been living under a rock, you will want to check out Della's Chryslers in the Canyon V Pictures, which you can find here:


If you were there, she's probably got pictures of your car.  The pictures have tons of size and print options, plus they ship quick...If you have't ordered your pics yet, what are you waiting for?  They will make a great gift!

Speaking of gifts, if you haven't picked up a Chryslers in the Canyon V T-Shirt, or other merchandise, you can do so here:


Courtney put together a very nice design and you can show your support by picking up some AAM or CIC Swag.

Now that we have that covered...on to the videos!

I'm a little too busy to get every car as it trickles in or out from the venue, but the vast majority should be covered here.  Let's get started with the drive-in video (brand-x vagrants were edited out as best they could be):

Chryslers in the Canyon V Drive-In Video

 And now, if I missed you there, you should be covered in this show field walkaround.  Due to awards,  I had to go around noon, but again, most of the attendees should be covered:

Chryslers in the Canyon V Show Field Walkaround Video

If you were in attendance at CIC V and managed to take some pics or videos, please submit them to us to be featured here and on the forum.

Also, if you won an award at this year's show and have not been checking your e-mail, please send me your vehicle info and most importantly the spelling on your name...The Winner's List is ready to go minus some spelling, which I want to get right the first time as it will be going up in video format as well.

Thanks again to everyone who attended and helped make this year's event yet another success!  We have already started planning Chryslers in the Canyon VI and hope to make it even better!