Thursday, September 24, 2015

Chryslers in the Canyon 7 Cancellation Notice

Chryslers in the Canyon 7 has been cancelled.

Sadly, today, we are forced to announce that Chryslers in the Canyon 7 has been cancelled. We have tried everything possible and pursued every avenue to prevent this from becoming a reality, but unfortunately we could not work things out due to new insurance requirements. We want to break the news now in order to allow folks to make other plans, or attend other Mopar events that weekend.

Chryslers in the Canyon was founded to be different, and different it was. 100% ALL MOPAR, No Entry Fees, No Politics, and No BS were all selling points of the original show, which by the way, most people said could never happen, let alone forming a Mopar club in Amarillo.

Chryslers in the Canyon built upon the solid foundation of being fun and free with the incredible venue offered by Palo Duro Canyon State Park. Having the show held in the canyon offered a truly unique, memorable, and undeniably picturesque setting that no rival show could match.

With a solid, unique foundation, an incredible venue, and genuine grassroots efforts the show began to grow. Our most successful show was Chryslers in the Canyon 6…I projected CIC 7 to be even better. In addition to slowly pulling more-and-more locals out of the woodwork, CIC thrived thru first hand experiences relayed by our guests from out-of-town.

It is the folks who came from the greatest distance who continued to come back, but with friends, who really made the event special. When we coupled our grassroots approach with the natural beauty of Palo Duro Canyon we had the selling point needed to bring folks to town.

As the years went by, more-and-more people became aware of the show and made plans to attend. Our efforts in promoting the show by first-hand experience, YouTube videos, and forum posts kept costs low. It remains a personable and practical strategy that yielded greater turnout encouraging new folks from farther out to join in and be a part of something special.

Unfortunately, those plans and ambitions for Chryslers in the Canyon 7 are now laid to rest.

We would like to thank each and every person who has attended the show and told their Mopar brethren about it. We would like to thank everyone who has continued to come back despite the long drive. We would like to thank those who came out to Palo Duro Canyon despite being told it was too remote. We would like to thank those of you who just came out on a whim and wound up having a good time. That is all we ever hoped the show to be…a good time for anyone who attended.

We would like to thank the Palo Duro Canyon Staff and Rangers who have helped orchestrate the event and made all of our guests feel welcome. A special thanks is extended to the Rangers who helped make the coveted Park Ranger’s Pick selection each year. Similarly, we want to thank CIC Staff members who have devoted time, effort, or finances to help run past shows, or cover previous awards.

Chryslers in the Canyon was a show unlike any other. It was fun, it was free, and helped bring folks together, with their Mopars, for one day to have a good time. Again, that was the ultimate goal…to get folks out, give the hesitant incentive to come out, and to pull in all the regional Mopars to form one, giant, mass of High Impact Happiness.

A lot of first time attendees commented that they couldn’t believe how fast the time went when they were in the canyon and that the whole day just flew by…We liked to console them by explaining that when you bring that much torque and horsepower together at the same time, it is not uncommon to shift Earth’s axis just a bit.

We hope that all of you will continue to look back fondly on your memories of Chryslers in the Canyon and perhaps encourage more folks in your area to embrace our unorthodox strategy of simply putting a show on for fun…No Politics, No BS, No Entry Fees, just fun.

We sincerely apologize to those of you planning to attend this year and hope you have a great weekend come October 10th. We would suggest you get some friends together and have some fun with your Mopars, wherever you may be; It doesn’t need to be fancy, it doesn’t need to be sponsored, it just needs to be fun. The good things in life don’t always last forever and it is advantageous to enjoy them while you can.

Thank you all once more for your interest in Chryslers in the Canyon and for helping be a part of the show’s success.

Have a great weekend and remember to make the most with what you’ve got,

Amarillo Area Mopars

**Update 9/25/2015 at 7:57 PM CST**

In order to set the record straight, here is what you need to know as per our conversations and meetings with insurance agents, legal advisers, other event organizers, and park staff:

The event was NOT cancelled due to the cost of the $500,000 Insurance Policy. 

The event WAS cancelled because of the liability above and beyond the $500,000, which one individual must assume. 

Some of you have suggested we increase the $500,000 to a larger coverage; we have already pursued that avenue. Ultimately, we are still left with one individual having to assume all responsibility past the policy’s threshold. 

While some of you are offering to chip in to cover the cost of the Insurance Policy, that is much appreciated, but not the issue. The issue remains liability past the insured amount.

We appreciate everyone’s concerns and understand your frustrations. However, Chryslers in the Canyon will not be happening this year and will not be moving locations. CIC was a special event at a special venue.

We have no planned events.  Amarillo Area Mopars, nor Chryslers in the Canyon is to be held responsible for any damages, or accidents occurring at any such events. The individual organizing those activities will have to assume any and all risks. 

Based on what we have learned over the course of this experience, we would highly advise anyone pursuing an auxiliary event to obtain insurance coverage. You will have to sign off on the policy, including any and all liabilities past your insured amount.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Chryslers in the Canyon 7 Flyer

Here is the official flyer for Chryslers in the Canyon 7!  We will update it as things progress.

You can help us out by pre-registering for the event...It will help us with classes, awards, and parking.  Just take this link and fill out the form!

CIC 7 Pre-Registration

Check back regularly for updates...

You can also keep up with all things CIC by way of the following links:

Amarillo Area Mopars Forum:

AAM on Twitter:!/AmarilloMopars

AAM on Facebook:

CIC 7 Facebook Event Page:

AAM YouTube:

Monday, October 27, 2014

Chryslers in the Canyon 6 Winners

Dobbs Corporation Long Hauler
Teresa & Brian, 2009 Dodge Challenger

Park Ranger's Pick
Lonnie, 1931 Chrysler

Tater Tot's Draw
Donald, 1959 Plymouth Fury

Summit Racing Kid's Choice Award
Rusty, 1997 Plymouth Prowler

Most Venomous: Sponsored by Amarillo Venom
Matt, 2013 Dodge Challenger SRT

Most Photogenic
Graham, 1968 Plymouth GTX

Lady's Choice
Chris, 2014 Dodge Challenger SRT

Chick's Pick
Lupe, 2012 Dodge Challenger R/T

Garner Albus Memorial Award
Chris, 1973 Dodge Challenger

Martin M. Bluesman Award
Bob, 1970 Dodge Challenger

Jon Wolfe Memorial Restomod Award
W, 1973 Dodge Challenger

The Forgotten Mopars 1975-1992:
 In Memory of the Forgotten Warriors, US Military 1973-1991
Mike, 1975 Plymouth Fury

Best Paint & Body
Kent, 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner

TES Pick
Teresa & Brian, 2009 Dodge Challenger

LPL Bodyworks Best Restoration
Randy, 1971 Plymouth Duster

D&L Automotive Machine & Race Engines Best Engine
Kenny, 1985 Dodge Daytona

Canon's Pick
Tony, 2012 Dodge Challenger

Founder's Pick
John, 1970 Chrysler 300 Hurst

Best of Show New Challenger, Stock
Emily, 2012 Dodge Challenger

Best of Show New Challenger, Modified
Alexis, 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T

Chrysler Power Outstanding Modern Mopar
George, 2014 Dodge Challenger

Chrysler Power Outstanding Modern Mopar
Miriam & Dave, 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T

Chrysler Power Outstanding Classic Mopar
Donald, 1967 Dodge Coronet

Chrysler Power Outstanding Classic Mopar
Mike & Nina, 1970 Dodge Coronet

Lone Star Mopars Best Modern Mopar
Tom, 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T

Lone Star Mopars Best Muscle Mopar
Donnie, 1970 Dodge Challenger

Lone Star Mopars Best Modified Mopar
Larry, 1965 Plymouth Satellite

Best Rock Crawler
William, 2011 Jeep Wrangler

Best Pre-65 Mopar
Linda, 1964 Plymouth Sport Fury

Best A-Body
Frank, 1968 Dodge Dart

Best B-Body
Mark, 1968 Plymouth Roadrunner

Best E-Body
David, 1970 Plymouth 'Cuda

AAM Pick Best Truck
Jerry, 2014 Dodge Ram

AAM Pick Best Modern Mopar
Joseph, 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T

AAM Pick Best Muscle Mopar
T.C., 1965 Plymouth Belvedere II

AAM Pick Best of Show
Bob, 1970 Dodge Challenger

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Della's CIC6 Pictures Available for Ordering

Breaking News!  Della has uploaded ALL of the CIC 6 Pictures!!

This year, to help you browse easier, she has divided the event into the following 4 Albums:

Chryslers in the Canyon 6 Album Links

Make sure that you preview each album before placing your final order!  You can also go back and order in favorites from previous events!

Once again, a big thanks to Della for covering Chryslers in the Canyon 6!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

CIC6 Thanks

On behalf of everyone in Amarillo Area Mopars, I first want to thank those of you who attended, particularly from out-of-town.  We do everything we can to make the event as enjoyable as possible and hope that you had a great time and will make Chryslers in the Canyon an annual, must-attend event!

We offer similar thanks to those who sponsor awards, or helped in any way.  We also had a really nice range of corporate sponsors, as you can see above!

A big thanks to Casey for dispatching cars, Brittiany & Giles for running registration, Della for taking all of the event pictures, Belden for running the sounds, and Debbie & Tiffany for working hard to make CIC6 the great time it was!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Chryslers in the Canyon 6: Saturday Schedule and Official Artwork

The awards are in, the shirts are in, the Mopars are rolling in...The only questions is ARE YOU IN?

Chryslers in the Canyon 6 is shaping up to be yet another great time with a very impressive show field and more awards to cover that show field.

This will quickly walk you thru what to expect Saturday...Make sure to bring some water, snacks, and a camera...You are going to have a great time!

Let's get started with a little look at the Official Chryslers in the Canyon 6 Artwork!  

Chryslers in the Canyon 6 Dash Plaque

Saturday, October 11th, 2014: Chryslers in the Canyon 6

Meet Up and Cruise to the Show: 10 Miles with Mopars

We will meet up Saturday morning at the West Texas A&M University Events Center around 9:30 AM CST.  At 10 AM we will begin dispatching small groups to the canyon.  You literally just head due east on 4th Avenue/State Higway 217 and you dead end at the canyon....It is incredibly simple.  We try to send a local member with each group just be safe...The drive to the canyon is approximately 10 miles.

At the Canyon: $3 Per Person Park Entry Fee, Have it Ready

We send small groups to help the Park Rangers get you in the gates as quick as possible.  A long line is super cool to take pictures of, but isn't the most efficient method of entry.  To help expedite the process, please have $3 per person ready to go.  If you have any questions, the Rangers will be more than happy to help and absolutely love seeing all the cool rides, especially if you are from out-of-state!

Going Down to the Show: One Amazing Drive

Once you have paid your gate fee, you are in!  All you do now is follow the road...If you have a GoPro, Camcorder, or even just your phone camera, it is great to be ready to capture a great drive.  As you make the final curve and the road levels out, you will see a lady to your left with a big camera...This is Della, our pro-photographer.

Smile for the Cameras

Della Moyer Photography

Della will snap pics of you in your Mopar as you level out down the hill and turn into the lot.  She will be on the driver's side unless the lighting is an issue...When you see Della slow down a bit so she can snap your ride at the best angle!

YouTube Video

If you see a guy filming from a tripod as you come down the hill, or enter the parking lot, that would be me.  Horn Honks, Revs, and Waves are all welcome.  I edit and upload the video the Amarillo Area Mopars YouTube Channel to show everyone else what the missed, and encourage them to attend next year.

Parking and Registration

Park by Similar Mopars

If we don't have someone to kind of direct you where to park, just find a Mopar similar to your own and park by it.  This will help you have a better chance of networking and it makes for better pictures and videos.  If you show up in a 68 Charger, look for other 2nd Gen Chargers, or B-Bodies.  If you come down in a 2015 Challenger, look for other late model Challengers.  Rams=Rams,Dusters=Dusters, Vipers=Vipers, etc.

Register and Place the Dash Card on the Driver's Side

I know some of you pre-registered...that is to help us custom tailor the awards to the show field!  Once you are parked we ask that you make a trip to the Registration Table.  We have a simple dash card to fill out with basic info like: Your Name, Year, Make and Mode of your Mopar, etc.  Please be sure to indicate where you came from AND how far you drove to the show.  

After registering, please place your Dash Card on the Driver's Side of the Dash!  This will help CIC Staff select the Award Winners as quickly as possible.

During the Show: Scoping out Mopars, Networking and Taking Pics

During the show you can snap pics, chat with other Moparians about their rides, scavenge flyers on the Swap Board, or just relax and enjoy the scenery of Mopars and Nature around you.  If you have specific pictures you would like taken, just ask Della...she will be more than happy to accommodate you.  And yes, if you are wondering about taking a family photo with your Mopar and the canyon as the backdrop you are not the first one, it is not awkward, and it will be way cooler than the family photo all your friends have back home...Seize the moment and enjoy yourself.

We hope to start the awards at 3 PM.  Having so many great Mopars on site makes our job pretty difficult.  Again, you can help us expedite the selection process by having your dash card filled out and on the driver’s side of the dash!
If you win an award I would ask that you stick around after the show to have Della take a picture of you, your Mopar, and your award.  If you are camera shy, or prefer to keep the focus on your ride, that is fine…We will likely use the “Texas” sign as the backdrop.  There is a chance some of these pics could make magazines and be used as promotional shots for Chryslers in the Canyon!  It only takes a few minutes for the picture, so please take advantage of the opportunity to add a cool, award winning photo to your Brag Book.
After the Show: Cruise to the Big Texan
For those of you interested, we will lead folks up to the World Famous Big Texan Steak Ranch.  This is the same place you have likely heard about and seen on TV.  The 72 oz. steak really is free, but only if you eat it in an hour.  The place is very lively and should be a blast for everyone to check out.  It is family friendly and offers a wide variety of foods on the menu.

Post Big Texan: Cruising Amarillo
If you are staying the night Saturday, we can have local folks help lead you back to your hotel, or if you feel like staying out later we can lead you on cruises around town.  There are several options: Polk Street (the “old” drag: Downtown Amarillo), 6th Street (dive bars, thrift stores, and more: Route 66), and 45th (the “new” drag: Southwest Amarillo).  We will just play it by ear and try to make it as much fun as possible.  Or if you are really having a good time we could make one giant loop to cover all 3, lol.


Our ultimate goal is for you to have a great time.  Chryslers in the Canyon is a true grass-roots event that has expanded radially by word-of-mouth, which we believe is the best testament to the great time attendees have.  We want you to enjoy yourself so much that you come again next year...with friends.

We also invite you to connect with us online.  You are more than welcome to sign up on the AAM Forum to make use of the Classifieds, share progress on your latest projects, or simply to shoot the breeze and share local car show info.  Take the links below and stay in the loop year round.

We sincerely thank you for attending Chryslers in the Canyon 6 and hope you have a genuinely great time!

Founder, Amarillo Area Mopars

Chryslers in the Canyon 6 Best of Show

Amarillo Area Mopars Online

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Friday Night Sneak Peak Meet & Greet at Buffalo's

Join us Friday Night at Buffalo's for a Sneak Peak at the show field and to welcome out-of-town Mopar folks.  In addition to meeting new folks and checking out their rides, we will have dinner at Buffalo's.  It is located right beside our host hotel, the Best Western.

Similarly, you can further enjoy this Friday Night GTG by picking up CIC 6 Event Shirts for $10.  That price is special to Friday night and will go up to $12 on Saturday.

Come on out and help get the party started early!