Overall we had 31 Mopars in the Canyon, with a range from 1939-2009, not a bad variety. Motorvation came from the old, reliable Slant Six, to new age 5.7 and 6.1 Hemis as well as V10 powered Vipers, allthe way up to a few 440 cars and a 426 Hemi. We had members in attendnace from Amarillo, Borger, Canyon, Clovis, Dumas, Hale Center, Pampa, and even some guests from Oklahoma City.
We had three awards this year and they went as follows:
Long Haul Award: Frank Titus-Oklahoma City-Dodge Caliber R/T
Park Ranger's Pic: Cris Rose 1973 Dodge Challenger
AAM Pick: Graham King 1968 Plymouth GTX
Congratulations to the winners!
As I mentioned, the main theme I picked up on when polling folks was that it was hard to select their favorite car because they liked all of them so well. Everyone came away with a dash plaque thanks to a very generous donor.
Della and Jim directed the traffic flow into the canyon which allowed her to get some great shots. Thanks to both of them for their extra time and hard work.
Casey and Jim both had grills available and thanks in part to Bob and Jody we had TONS of stuff to give away...
Thanks to area outfits like: Chick-Fil-A, Sonic, Arby's, Nights-of-Golf, Jorge's, Nightsongs, Shark Fights, In-N-Out Shirts (Cris), and Steve who donated the muffler for making all of that possible. Hopefullythe recipients will enjoy the gifts and it will bring some business back their direction.
I am pretty sure everyone walked away with not only the burger and cookie coupons, but also a give-away item, provided you stayed. For those that left early, tough luck

This was a great event and a solid turnout. I honestly thought we would have had a few more, but considering the slate of NCAA games, I'd say we did pretty good. We were also blessed with a PERFECT day...The temperature hit the mid 70s and there was virtually no wind...Doesn't get much better than that.
Thanks to everyone who put time in on this and worked to make it a reality. We have to start somewhere and I'd say we made a good start. Feel free to use the pictures to promote the event. As word gets out and people see the pictures I think we will be able to expand this quite nicely.
I've already got ideas for next year (which I'll post in a different thread). I just wanted to try and thank everyone who came out and worked to make this a reality. I'd have to say we did pretty good...Great day, solid turnout, and everyone seemed to have fun...That is all you can really ask for

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