An awful lot of the folks that pre-registered are coming in from out of the area...While it would be great if we had the local crowd pre-register at the same clip, you have to realize that this does one key thing...
It bodes very well for yet another great turnout!

In the past, it has not been uncommon to see actual turnout outpace pre-registration by 20-60%. In fact, our best turnout more than doubled pre-registration!
We never know what will happen until the day of the show, but we can all work towards spreading the word and getting even more folks involved in the action. I have been to everything from small town shows to big national events and no one does what we do.
Best location in the country, no entry fee, and a guaranteed good time. Good luck getting that picture of a lifetime at the local strip mall, or fair grounds.
Our goal has been to keep things simple and keep things fun. We want folks that take time to attend Chryslers in the Canyon to not only make it an annual staple, but tell their friends back home about it...That is just what has happened and that is why each of our past events has been the best yet. You can expect that trend to continue at CIC V!
Let's take a look at what we currently know:
Chrysler Power is back!
Della Moyer Photography is once again shooting the event and private sessions!
New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas and Oklahoma will all be represented!
Lubbock, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and more are all sending Mopars!
Mopars from all eras are slated to attend...Nostalgic Race Cars up to Factory Fresh!
Lone Star Mopars Online Magazine will be covering the show and featuring rides!
The famous "rolling car show" videos will return for their 5th Year!
And we have tons more in the works:
CIC V Artwork by Courtney will be revealed later this week!
Shirts and More will be up for order soon!
Several other big announcements are coming!
If you haven't done so, please pre-register:
Also, feel free to sign up on the forum if you have any questions:
Stay tuned and please make plans to join us for Chryslers in the Canyon V on Saturday, October 12th, 2013...We guarantee you, your family, and your Mopar will have a great time!

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